Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Mar 6 (Wed) – Update

Asalaam alaikum.

update-hand-holding-sign.pngThings seem busy around here. First the weather.


Those low pressure systems that dumped all that snow on the West Coast slid around us a short time ago. All we got was cooler temps, some wind, a touch of hail, and some light rain. Things are fine now, some more rain forecast for tonight but otherwise unremarkable.


Two days ago the kids dropped off all three of their doggos so they could drive to central Illinois where Sami got a chance to see her Gramma before she passed. Six dogs in our house. That’s a lot.


The house is again filled with six dogs as the kids will be traveling back there for the funeral tomorrow. They’ll probably return on Friday. So the house will seem very busy until the herd gets thinned down to a reasonable number.


Kim is considering getting rid of the knitting machine, it’s not very compatible with her slowly diminishing eyesight. I hope she re-considers as the machines aren’t cheap and getting another one if the urge should strike somewhere down the road would be tough.


Kyle created some 30-odd Christmas tree ornaments to take to Assumption. They’re for Sami’s mom who’ll do something with them, I forget what. Kyle will get $30 for the job.


24-03-06-schrader-and-presta-valves.jpgI rolled my trike out of the shed and looked it over. All three tires were flat, I inflated two after figuring out how to use the hand pump. That took time because the toobs have Presta valves (Presta is on the right side of the image) and my brain had long-since deleted the tire-filling-procedure.


The trike also needs a bath and the chain needs cleaned and oiled. I’ll do that in the next few days.


I’ll try to start riding the bike to coffee once or twice a week. I figure the ride plus the time spent at coffee will eat three and a half hours out of the day. Not sure how much I’ll get done those days other than the ride. Time will tell.


Change of subject. In a previous article I had mentioned that I have Radio Garden playing movie soundtracks in the background while I’m on the computer. I’ve learned that the one thing I don’t like about Radio Garden is that it doesn’t display anything about the track. Just the radio station and what country/city it’s in. For the song: No title, no artist, nothing.


What might work is to record a bit of the audio stream then play it back on one of the web sites that takes a song snippet and tells you all about the song. Such a project is way down on my to-do list, that’s for sure. That’s all for now. Cheers.

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