Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mar 20 (Wed) ā€“ Update


update-post-it.pngYesterday began with covfefe coffee until early afternoon (it ran long), then I picked up groceries, then went home. I’m sure I spent the afternoon doing stuff but what I did I can’t remember offhand and it’s not important enough to put in the effort to try to remember.


Today started with a knock at the door, just after 9 am. It was one of Davenport’s finest. There had been a sexual assault in the very local area, a car that was involved may have driven through the alley behind our house. Our house is festooned with cameras, could he look at footage? Absolutely.


The dogs were beyond excited at having having a guest in the house. The investigating officer (IO) didn’t seem to mind. I admitted to being of limited knowledge and very slow at running my camera system. Too many menus, icons, buttons to click. In past investigations an officer ended up taking the controls and finding what (s)he needed. That happened today. Willow kept stopping by the IO to offer a smile or two in exchange for pets. The officer on one knee, running the mouse on the coffee table, Willow in the way for some all-important pets please. The IO didn’t seem to mind.


After a short time he said ‘Bingo’. The car that the IO was expecting to roll through the alley behind our house at time X did in fact roll through the alley behind our house at time X. He dumped two camera recordings onto a thumb drive and I walked him to the front door. At the door I offered him a dog or two to take with. “Well, the Department wouldn’t appreciate a dog in the office but if I could I’d take the Golden.” Nice work, Willow.


Kyle and Titania showed up as the IO was working. He was there for taxes. I did a few chores then settled in at my workstation with Kyle, him working on a pizza. We did his federal, bad news there. Kim and I talked him through his initial response, we’ll work together on how to deal with it.


I got tidied up then left for a routine Dr’s visit. My one concern worth mentioning here: long term use of Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI). I had stopped taking my PPI a week ago and was able to describe a generous reflux event that had happened two days ago. Doctor provided rationale for continued use: Better to take the PPI which should eliminate or limit further damage to the esophagus. We can (and will) monitor for reduced B12, calcium, mag, uptake. Decision: Cut the dosage in half, review in four months. Nothing else of importance.


It’s still quite cool out so indoor stuff of little importance is the plan of the day. Crap weather for the next week or so is on tap. Cheers.

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