Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 (Fri) – Update

Here’s what’s what.

update-stamp.pngYesterday was a drizzly dreary day.


Cell phone alarms started firing at too early. Like we both had jobs or somethin’. We both made it out the door on time. Kim to Bishop Hill to help prep for the quilt show, me to coffee. After coffee I got a few groceries.


I opened the garden gate at 11:30 with arms full of grocery bags. I was accosted by three over-anxious dogs. After feeding them and putting groceries up I myself had a little something for lunch. Then I started on chores, just about got them finished when Kim walked through the kitchen door.


I took it easy for the rest of the day because I knew I’d be mowing lawns today.


Today I mowed. Finished at 3pm. Lawns look nice. Ate a little something for lunch. Then took a snooze.


Tomorrow morning’s weather will be agreeable to triking to coffee. That means getting up earlier but so be it. I plan in doing that.


I owe the dogs a trip to Vander Veer. There’s a slight chance of showers in the afternoon but we may be able to make it over there. We’ll see. Cheers.

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