Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29 (Wed) ā€“ Update

I’m past due for posting an update.

I’m breaking this down by person.


Kyle - He’s still feeling great after his last treatment more than a week ago. This is great news. He and Sami took a week-long trip to Kankakee (on the east side of Illinois just south of Chicago) and they had a great time.


Kim continues to craft. It’s currently resins and slide-on inkjet-printed images, making necklaces. Sun-catchers are also a thing.


Me - I continue to be overly engrossed in computer related stuff. I recently triked to coffee and took the long way home along Duck Creek Parkway. I got Kim’s trike out of storage and looked it over. It’s ready to go. We’re testing alternatives for transporting two terriers.


That’s all for now. Cheers.

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