Friday, June 21, 2024

Jun 21 (Fri) - Update

I’m past due for posting an update. Again. For the umpteenth time.

update-envelope.pngThe ’something’ I was working on is finished. Took longer than I expected. I’ve been ignoring a bunch of other stuff while I was focused on ‘the thing’, but there it is. Time to get caught up. And stay caught up. Game on.
Let’s start with the weather - Lotsa heat and humidity around these parts. Been that way for almost a week. No end in sight.
The Mississippi - She’s near flood stage, up to the top of the retaining wall downtown. Minnesota has been taking on a lot of water so I expect flooding of some sort in the near future. The only effect it has on us (me actually) is that the trail along the edge of the river will be submerged. I would have to take an alternate route along streets, roads, and avenues.
Mowing lawns - That’s been on hold due to weather. Our back yard has brown patches, where the grass continues to grow a lot of it has gone to seed.
Blog comments - A patient reader made two comments about a week ago. I thought the notification process I created would toss me an email when the comments dropped. It didn’t. The comments are posted now, I’ll have to manually check for new comments until I fix that process.
Kim - She drove out to Geneseo (Jen-ah-SEE-oh) for a quilting class she signed up for. It went great, she said. Zero anxiety, good news there.
Kyle - Continues to feel real good, he’s getting caught up with things that got put off while he was out of action. He stops by every coupla days, sometimes bringning a dog or two along with. His doggos need shots, he and I plan on doing that next week maybe.
Me - Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. Here’s a good link on the subject. Over the years, scans have shown cervical spondylosis without myelopathy. I think that’s changed. If there was one thing wrong that could cause many of the symptoms I’m feeling… this’d be it. I’m in good company, tons and tons of people have it. I see the doc for a periodic checkup next month, we’ll absolutely discuss it then.
Projects - Kim and I have basically finished the bathroom. I still have to drop the exhaust fan, blast it clean with compressed air, and install it. There’s a bit more that can be done in there, we’re still considering whether to call it good enough and move on, or tackle ‘em.
The next room is the ‘living room with the dining nook’. The hanging lamp over the table looks good but is too small for the space. We have a few other lamps around here that we’re gonna test. Should be interesting.
The dogs are holed up inside with us, it’s just too miserable out there. They don’t even poke their noses at their collars and leads so if they are wanting to go to the park they’re not very interested in doing it. Stay tuned. Cheers.

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