Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jun 30 (Sun) - Fence Update

Here’s a few ‘before’ pictures.

24-06-30-fence-4.jpgStanding in the yard. The second fence panel to the right of the shed is the one I have to remove so I can pull the trailer from behind the garage into the big yard. Doggos can’t go back there (although they loooove to) because garden.
24-06-30-fence-3.jpgIt’s almost not wide enough back there. The shed contains trikes.
24-06-30-fence-2.jpgThere’s a few piles of scrap lumber back there along with the trailer. Another pile behind the trailer. I’m gonna use that lumber to build the gate(s) (I’m not sure if it’s gonna be one gate or two).
24-06-30-fence-1.jpgThe view from the alley. Not pretty to look at, it’s the last bit of fence we haven’t touched since we got the place almost eight years ago.
I’ll cover the trailer with a tarp to keep direct sun off the kayaks. Cheers.

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