Friday, July 5, 2024

Jul 5 (Fri) - Update

Here’s the happs…

update-post-it.pngJul 2 PM (Tue) - It rained. And stormed. We futzed around inside.
Jul 3 (Wed) - Again I spent most of a day frowning at a workstation monitor. I suppose it was productive… I wandered through piles of old files, wholesale nuking stuff from orbit. Digital detritus.
I use an app named Clementine to listen to music while I’m at the workstation. Not only does it do a credible job of making sense of my pile of music files, it also has a few links to streaming services. One of those is SomaFM. I’ve been channel-hopping their offerings, there’s a lot to choose from. Volume down low, something in the background. A few I like: Mission Control and Lush. I’ve donated, but they’re up against a wall re: finances. I hope they stay alive.
Jul 4 (Thu) - The day started very hot and very humid. Miserable outside unless you like that sort of thing. It was supposed to rain, getting stronger as the day progressed, leading up to a night of meteorological theatrics as a front passed by. None of that happened.
The neighborhood fireworks were worse more intense than ever. I wonder, in this neighborhood, where people get the money for all that gunpowder. The dogs wouldn’t go outside and I don’t blame them. Rolling clouds of smoke reflected the harsh streetlights as the neighbors tried to outdo each other with noisemakers. Not to mention the mess it left behind. I heard in passing that one neighbor likes to ‘play around with gunpowder’. After last night I don’t doubt it.
Today (Jul 5 (Fri)) - It’s 10:34. Supposed to be much cooler outside. I haven’t been outside yet so we’ll see about that. Sami just dropped off Titania as she and Kyle have running around to do. We expect them back sometime this afternoon. Or not. Could be another sleepover.
If the weather supports it I plan on finishing the gate today. Then I’ll move the lumber yard from beside the garage out into the alley. Then I can pull the trailer into the alley and tidy up the out-of-control vegetation back there. Time will tell. Cheers.

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