Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Jul 24 (Wed) - Update

Updates galore!

update-hand-holding-sign.pngKyle - Doing very well. He likes what he has gotten himself into and has done well enough in two short days that the owner of the practice would have no problem if Kyle were there for more hours every day. It’s so good to see the change.
Kim - She’s done with the Christmas ornament thing and tossed the remaining wood scraps into the trash. She is now the proud owner of a very large zip lock back that’s chock full of Christmas ornament-sized wood cutouts. Beading is now center stage.
John - That’d be me. Ahn stopped by again a few days ago with three sheets of paper in hand. Long story short, a very elderly lady (I’ve met her several times now) was scammed out of three grand +. Long story short this will probably not be the last time it happens and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Change of subject. The doggos usually get restless between 2 or 3 AM every morning, preferring to roust a human to step them into the backyard for a potty break. Kim shoos them outside for what is usually a very quiet affair. Not this morning. I ended up on the back porch talkin’ ‘em back into the house. As soon as they quieted down I heard the cries for help. I knew who it was, what I didn’t know was how long she’d been cryin’ out like that.
I quickly geared up and walked down the alley three houses to the meth house. I bypassed the flimsy latch on the fence gate, cut my flashlight on, and walked around the garage and into the garage door. I noticed that all three windows on the back of the house were open, a TV was running downstairs. In the garage I found her, a very heavy-set woman of 65 years of age, wadded up on the garage floor between a motorcycle and a small four-door sedan with the engine half torn apart. Trash and garbage everywhere. She had fallen out of her wheelchair and couldn’t get up.
She’s way too heavy for me to get her back into her chair. She cut her head and left hand on the way down. She looked terrible sitting there. I called the authorities, paramedics quickly arrived and got to work. The constabulary (two cruisers with five officers because that address has become well known with both city and county law enforcement in the short time it’s been occupied) asked me if there was anyone at home. I said, “Probably. They’re not out here because they have selective hearing or just don’t care.” They rousted someone out of the house who, once he made it into the garage, showed zero interested in the woman.
I managed to get back to sleep and after sunrise I drove over to the clinic for blood draw. It’s just after noon and the the clouds are breaking up. As I type this the needle on the dog meter is holding steady at seven. They seem to come and go these days. Lemme see: there’s our three, two from across the street (Dante and Sampson) and two of Kyle’s. Kalisto is here with Titania because the storms rolling through this morning spooked her so Kyle thought it best to bring her here for the day.
Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon loading the van chock full of unwanted stuff for a landfill run. Most of it is ours, some of it is from two neighboring houses, stuff that’s been sitting in the alley for quite some time.
Kim and Ellen just left for the library and a loop around town to hit the second-hand stores. When they get back, if it’s not too late, I’ll head to the landfill. Two of the pieces in the van are quite heavy. I’ll need to be very careful getting then out of the van and lifting each one over the four foot concrete barrier and into the ginormous dumpster on the other side. Wish me luck. Cheers.

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