Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aug 24 (Sat) - Update

Hopefully I’m done for awhile.

update-stamp.pngYesterday started with Kim, the eye doctor, and I. He looked around in there and recommended waiting for a few months before doing anything about the large floaters. As of right now they’re too close to the retina for safe lasing.
On the way home I decided to take advantage of one of the last remaining days before the next heat (feels like 107 type stuff). I got home from the eye dr at 12:30 and was feet wet at 1:10. I was on the Mississippi for two hours. I pulled hard on the paddles half the time, chilled for the other half, then went home.
After a very light lunch I got the van into the back yard so the dogs and I could clean it up. That took a few hours.
This morning I woke up cold and tired. I was late to coffee, there were four of us. I sat quietly and tried to tune out the idle chatter as the county coroner and the funeral director talked shop (what’s the worst call you’ve ever been to?). I was more interested when the subject turned to slot cars, followed by workshop cleanliness.
I’m going to try to take it easy for the rest of today, we’ll see. Cheers.

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