Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sep 1 (Sun) - Update

All the news that’s fit to print, and not a syllable more.

The last few days were uneventful. Read for yourself:
Thu - Coffee in the AM. Worked on the room schematic in the PM.
Fri - Cut a hole in a wall for a receptacle box. This took time because I had to be careful.
Sat - I triked to coffee. Ate something light when I got home, then mowed lawns. Willow and I rolled up to the gate at 3 pm on the dot, just in time to see them padlocking the gate. We drove back home where I unloaded the four bags of wet grass into the back yard. I don’t want them fermenting in the van overnight.
Today - Mavis (bless every hairy on her tiny little body) got everyone up at 7:30, insisting it was time for breakfast. I’ll break my fast then find out if composting is closed. Go to composting if not closed. Pay a few bills.
Kyle and I planned on kayaking at Lake George today. That’s cancelled. I’ll offer a kayaking date with Kim. If she accepts I’ll do that. If she doesn’t I’ll work on the room. Cheers.
Oh. Somewhere in there the doggos and I may go to Vander Veer.

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